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Guard Column Kit
Guard Column Kit
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Price: $199.14

Product Number: 998093

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Contains: (2) 998089 Guard Columns
(1) 998090 Funnel
(1) 998056X (10 frits)

Easy to pack
Available as a Kit with Funnel and Extra Frits

HPLC users find the 998089 column easy to pack and extremely economical. This narrow-bore short column creates only a slight pressure increase with virtually no detectable theoretical plate loss when used with a 3 mm ID or larger column. The 2 µm frits are easy to change, prolonging the life of the guard column. With only 62 µL packing voolume per guard column, a 3 g bottle of packing material will pack about 30 guard columns.

C-130B C-130-20 A-100


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