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Frits Stainless Steel, 0.5 µm (10/pk)
Frits Stainless Steel, 0.5 µm (10/pk)


Price: $34.37

Product Number: 998059X

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Upchurch Scientific® 316 Stainless Steel Frits are available in 0.5 µm or 2 µm porosity - the most common HPLC filtration ratings. Each frit includes a Kel-F® (PCTFE) or PEEK™ polymer sealing ring. Many of the frits shown have the common .250" and .254" ODs, which allow them to be used in precolumn and inline filters. Choose the larger diameter faces and/or larger porosity frits for faster flow rates. Choose frits with a smaller diameter face and/or smaller porosity for applications sensitive to extra flow path volume. A-103


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