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Clear polyester thin cold sealing film with adhesive backing 0.05 mm thick, 100/pk UNIPLATE, 96 well, 2 ml, natural polypropylene, round well bottom, 25/pk 96W 2ML PRO PPTN FF 5/PK
7704-0001 7701-5200 7720-7236
UNIFILTER, 96 well, 800 µl, DNA binding, clear polystyrene, 25/pk UNIFILTER, 96 well, 800 µl, 0.45 µm cellulose acetate, clear polystyrene, 25/pk UNIFILTER, 384 well, 100 µl, Whatman GF/C, clear polystyrene, filter bottom with long drip director, 50/pk
7700-2810 7700-2808 7700-1101
UNIFILTER, 384 well, 100 µl, DNA binding plate, clear polystyrene, filter bottom with long drip director, 50/pk