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Starburst Plug, 8mm, Polyethylene, NATURAL (min. lots of 10) Starburst Plug, 8mm, Polyethylene, BLUE Starburst Plug, 8mm, Polyethylene, GREEN
952513 952514B 952514G
Starburst Plug, 8mm, Polyethylene, YELLOW Starburst Snap Plug, 8mm, Polyethylene Starburst Plug, 8mm, Polyethylene, RED
952514Y 952523 952514R
Starburst Snap Plug, 8mm, Polyethylene, BLUE Starburst Plug, 15mm, Polyethylene, EXPERTEK 100/pkg Shell Vial, 1mL, 8x40mm, Clear Glass
952523B 952522 958006
Shell Vial, 1mL, 8x40mm, Polypropylene Shell Vial, 4mL, 15x45mm (15mm), Clear Glass, XPERTEK® 100/pkg Shell Vial, 1mL, 8x40mm, Amber Glass
958008 958000 958007
Shell Vial, 1mL, 8x40mm, Clear Glass, w/ Snap Plug Shell Vial, 4mL, 15x45mm (15mm), Amber Glass, XPERTEK® 100/pkg Vials, Snap Seal, 2mL 11mm Wide Mouth Clear Glass
958022 958001 957018
Shell Vial, 700µL, 8x40mm, Polypropylene Ltd. Vol. (min. lots of 10) Vials, Snap Ring, 750uL 11mm  Limited Volume Polypropylene Snap Ring Vials, 12x32mm, 500uL, Limited Volume, PP
958009 951501 951511
Vials, Crimp 2mL 11mm SM Clear Glass Grad Mark Spot, 100/pkg cobert.jpg Clear Glass Vial, 4ml, 15x45, 13-425 Screw
957004 957100 954008
Vials, Snap Ring 2mL 11mm Wide Mouth Clear Glass Shell Vial, 1mL, 8x40mm, Polypropylene, w/ Snap Plug Vials, Crimp 2mL 11mm WM Clear Glass Grad Mark Spot, 100/pkg
957000 958024 957009
Vials, Crimp 2mL 11mm WM Clear Glass Mark Spot, 100/pkg Crimp Vials, WM, 12x32mm, Amber, 11mm finish Vials, Screw 2mL 8mm SM Clear Glass Grad Mark Spot, 100/pkg
957010 957106 954003
Vials, Screw 2mL 8mm SM Amber 100/pkg Shell Vial, 1mL, 8x40mm, Amber Glass, w/ Snap Plug cobert.jpg
954103 958023 958890
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