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Polyamine II, 120A, 5um, 250x 4.6mm
Polyamine II, 120A, 5um, 250x 4.6mm
Price: $3,653.00

Product Number: PB12S05-RD07

* Silica gel chemically bonded to polyamine
* The most suitable column for separation of sugars
* Solves durability problem of conventional silica-based amino columns
* Useful for separation of hydrophilic compounds including vitamins
* Useful for separation of fat-soluble compounds using nonaqueous mobile phase

YMC-Pack Polyamine II is a silica-based packing bonded with polyamine. It is particularly useful for separation of sugars. The column life of YMC-Pack Polyamine II in aqueous mobile phase is longer than conventional silica-based amino columns, and thus is applicable to separation of oligosaccharides using mobile phase with relatively higher water content. In addition, YMC-Pack Polyamine II can be used to separate ionic compounds with a combination of normal-phase mode and weak anion exchange mode.

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