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MicroTight Gauge Plug 6-32


Price: $6.24

Product Number: P-553

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Threaded Plugs & Caps

• Seal 6-32, 10-32, 1/4-28, M6x1 and 5/16-24 threaded ports
• Cap off tubing pathways using one of our threaded caps

Upchurch Scientific® Threaded Plugs & Caps are designed to help close off unused system ports or cap off tubing pathways.

Use our plugs to close off unused ports in valves and multi-port connectors. Examples of ways to use our plugs are as follows:

• Our 6-32 threaded plugs feature a special “nose” that allow them to be used as set plugs in various products we manufacture that accept the 6-32 coned fittings.

• Our color-coded 10-32 threaded plugs are perfect for identifying stored columns that have different packing materials, or in which different mobile phases have been utilized.

• Our 1/4-28 threaded plugs can be used to close off unused ports in low pressure selection valves, thus helping to prevent unnecessary leaks or cross-port contamination.


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