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Pro C8 Actus, 120A, 5um, 75x 30mm
Pro C8 Actus, 120A, 5um, 75x 30mm


Price: $4,760.00

Product Number: OS12S05-L530WX

Description Technical Specs
* Outstanding durability by applying DAC column technology
* Desirable for laboratory scale isolation and purification
* Excellent resolution

YMC-Actus series HPLC columns offer outstanding durability under high-speed gradient conditions. Desirable columns for laboratory scale preparative HPLC in R&D, etc. It is ideal for high-throughput purification in drug discovery.

* Consistently reproducible quality
* Documentation of each manufacturing step
* Consistently high packing quality + column efficiency
* Stringent specifications
* Individual test of each column(test chromatogram)
* Batch identification for each column

All phases in the Pro-family are ideal for the analysis of all types of organic molecules but specifically basic and metal chelating compounds. The ultrapure silica and very low residual silanol activity means that these columns frequently do not require the use of ion-pairing reagents or ion-suppression techniques, making them ideal for LC/MS applications.

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