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Micro-Volume BPR 500 psi
Micro-Volume BPR 500 psi


Price: $132.08

Product Number: M-412

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Back Pressure Regulators

• Standard versions, low-volume versions, and an adjustable version available
• Flow-independent pump preload for greater pump efficiency
• Proven out-gassing protection
• Multiple pressure ratings

In HPLC (and related techniques), the high performance equipment used in most systems is also very sensitive to system changes. Numerous factors can lead to poor performance of even the most expensive and highly-rated equipment.

One of the most popularly occurring problems in chromatography systems is the presence of gas in the form of bubbles. Because the mobile phase will often have some dissolved gas present, small bubbles often form as solvent moves from the high pressure environment of an HPLC column to the low pressure environment before the detector. If these bubbles enter the detector’s flow cell, they can cause erratic baseline readings and loss of sensitivity. By placing a back pressure regulator (BPR) after the detector, the fluid remains under sufficient compression after leaving the column to prevent most bubbles from forming and thus helping to ensure a smoother baseline and increased sensitivity.

Another use for a back pressure regulator is as a pump preload for low and fluctuating pressure applications. Many of today's pumps require a fairly high inline pressure (~500 psi) to function efficiently. Placing a back pressure regulator (usually 500 - 1,000 psi) between the pump and the injector can enhance your pump's performance. Caution: Be careful not to exceed your system's maximum operating pressure. Refer to your system's operating manuals before choosing a BPR.


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