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Swaging Tool, TinyTight™, for swaging M-647 and M-657, SST
Swaging Tool, TinyTight™, for swaging M-647 and M-657, SST


Price: $26.58

Product Number: M-150

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
6-40 Threaded Fittings

• Alternatives to Lee Company MinStac&trade and some Valco Nanovolume&trade fittings
• Versions for 1/16", 1/32" OD and capillary tubing

Use these fittings as simple, easy-to-use replacements for Lee Company 062 “MinStac” fittings systems for 1/16" OD tubing and Valco Nanovolume&trade 6-40 fittings designed for 1/32" OD tubing.

Use with 1/16" and 1/32" OD tubing, as applicable, as well as capillary tubing in conjunction with appropriate tubing sleeve (i.e., with 360um OD tubing, use the F-376 sleeve listed in "Use With Parts"). The Valco-compatible fitting (M-645) consist of a PEEK™ nut with 6-40 threads and integrated Kel-F® (PCTFE) ferrule.


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