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Conductive Union - SS
Conductive Union - SS


Price: $38.18

Product Number: M-128NF

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Capillary Sample Trap Columns

• Optimized for protein and peptide separation/purification
• Conductive and nonconductive, packed and unpacked versions

Our Capillary Sample Trap Columns are ideal for separating and concentrating and/or purifying biological samples for mass spectrometer analysis (see sample chromatogram and Sample Purification and Concentration below). The heart of the Sample Trap is a fused silica capillary column. Available phases for our capillary columns include a Reversed-Phase, High Carbon Load C18 5um/300A Spherical Silica material and a SCX (Strong Cation Exchange) 5um/85A material. We also offer unpacked columns.

Each Sample Trap Column supports a recommended maximum sample loading capacity of approximately 0.1 ug with a capillary bed volume of 0.19 uL or less.

Capillary Sample Trap Column Assemblies include one 1 µm NanoFilter&trade Capsule, containing either a biocompatible titanium or stainless steel frit – each adding a miniscule 10 nL swept volume. Our Capillary Sample Trap Columns allow direct connection of 360 um OD capillary tubing, using fittings provided with the column. We also offer versions with conductive stainless steel housing to permit application of voltage to the fluid path, as in electrospray applications. (See assembly components chart below.)

Use our C-1210 Column Coupler to connect two or more Sample Trap Columns in sequence.


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