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Static Mixing Tee, 10µm UHMWPE Frit
Static Mixing Tee, 10µm UHMWPE Frit


Price: $109.73

Product Number: 998628

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
*PEEK Body with Two-Piece Fingertight Fittings
*Low Swept Volume

Upchurch Scientific® Static Mixing Tees are ideal for microbore or analytical gradient HPLC. They have a low swept volume of 2.2µL (includes frit volume) and are designed for flow rates of 0.5 to 3 mL/min and a maximum pressure of 6,000 psi (414 bar). The back pressure caused by the tee is typically only 10 to 20 psi (.7 to 1.4 bar) at these flow rates. The thru-holes are .020" and the center port features a 10µm UHMWPE or stainless steel frit that aids mixing.


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