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Prevail™ Carb-ES Column 300x20mm 9um
Prevail™ Carb-ES Column 300x20mm 9um


Price: $6,134.47

Product Number: 5126547

Alltech® Prevail™ Carbohydrate ES Columns

Get Better Retention Times, Longer Column Life, and Improved Baselines Compared to Traditional Amino Carbohydrate Columns
• Longer column life: Hybrid phase has the ruggedness of silica with the stability of a polymer
• Quieter baselines compared to traditional amino carbohydrate columns, even with gradients
• Reduce run times with more mobile phase choices
• Compatible with gradient ELSD applications

Quiet Gradient Baselines
Prevail™ Carbohydrate ES Columns are excellent for isocratic separations with common detectors, but the column’s real power shows with the ELSD and a solvent gradient. Enjoy the powerful selectivity, reduced run times, and efficient peaks from gradients while seeing the quiet, stable baselines that maximize sensitivity.

Better Resolution and Peak Shape
Prevail™ Carbohydrate ES Columns are versatile enough for mono- and oligosaccharides and sugar alcohols. They produce single peaks for reducing sugars at ambient temperatures, eliminating the need for column heating.

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