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Tub PFA Nat 1/16 x .040 x 50ft
Tub PFA Nat 1/16 x .040 x 50ft


Price: $111.76

Product Number: 1507L

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
PFA Tubing

• Available in three forms: PFA, High Purity PFA and High Purity “PLUS” PFA
• ODs ranging from 360 um to 1/4"; IDs ranging from 50 um to 3/16"
• Offers higher purity and enhanced translucence when compared with other fluoropolymer tubes

Upchurch Scientific® PFA Tubing offers numerous advantages over other fluoropolymer tubing options available today. It comes in three standard “grades” – Standard PFA, High Purity PFA, and High Purity “PLUS” PFA


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