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007-35, 15M. x 0.10mm I.D. x 2.5um film
007-35, 15M. x 0.10mm I.D. x 2.5um film


Price: $360.00

Product Number: 007-35-15NB-0.25F

007-35 is the Quadrex designation for a (35% phenyl) dimethylpolysiloxane phase. This phase is a compromise between 007-20 and 007-17 in phenyl content. It is a popular phase for drug analyses; and like the entire series of phenyl-substituted phases, columns coated with the 007-35 can be rinsed to remove non-volatile and high boiling contaminants.

*Bonded and crosslinked
*Excellent thermal stability
*Moderately polar
*Comparable to OV-11
*Similar phases: DB-35, Rtx-35, SPB-35, AT-35, HP-35, BPX-35
*USP Phase Specification: G42

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