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007-1701, 15M. x 0.25mm I.D. x 1.0um fil
007-1701, 15M. x 0.25mm I.D. x 1.0um fil


Price: $350.00

Product Number: 007-1701-15-1.0F

007-1701 is a (14% cyanopropylphenyl) methylpolysiloxane phase. The cyanopropyl functional groups provide a permanent dipole selectivity different from the induced dipole interactions of the phenyl groups. The overall "polarity" of this phase remains nominal when compared to the more highly cyanopropyl substituted phases such as 007-225 and 007-23. The 007-1701 phase is often used for solvents, pharmaceuticals, derivitized sugars and many environmental applications.

*Bonded and crosslinked
*Moderately polar
*Comparable to OV-1701
*Similar phases: DB-1701, Rtx-1701, SPB-1701, AT-1701, HP-1701, BPX-1701
*USP Phase Specification: G46

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