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007-17, 15M. x 0.25mm I.D. x 0.25um film
007-17, 15M. x 0.25mm I.D. x 0.25um film


Price: $350.00

Product Number: 007-17-15-0.25F

007-17 is a 50% phenyl methylpolysiloxane phase. The presence of the 50% phenyl groups increases the overall "polarity" of the phase and enhances the selectivity of induced dipole interactions resulting in greater retention of aromatic solutes. The 007-17 phase is widely used as an EPA Method confirmation column and provides for efficient separations of PAHs, and biomedical samples such as drugs, sugars and steroids

. *Bonded and crosslinked
. *Medium polarity
. *Comparable to OV-17
. *Similar phases: DB-17, Rtx-50, SPB-50, AT-50, HP-17, HP-50+, CPSil-20CB
. *USP Phase Specification: G3

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