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007-1301, 30M. x 0.53mm I.D. x 3.0um fil
007-1301, 30M. x 0.53mm I.D. x 3.0um fil


Price: $675.00

Product Number: 007-1301-30V-3.0F

The 007-1301 is a (6% cyanopropylphenyl) methylpolysiloxane phase. Overall, 007-1301 is a low polarity phase which exhibits excellent thermal stability. The cyanopropyl (permanent dipole) and the phenyl (polarizable) substituents provide a specific selectivity for polar and polarizable compounds. More of a boiling point phase than 007-1701 (14% cyanopropyl phenyl methylpolysiloxane), the 007-1301 exhibits less retention of polyaromatic compounds than 007-17 (50% phenyl methylpolysiloxane).

Nitrogen-containing herbicides, various types of pesticides, drugs and other heteroatom-containing compounds are good candidates for separation using this phase.

As part of the 007 Series of Bonded Phases, the 007-1301 can withstand large solvent injections and rinsing to remove insoluble impurities.

*Bonded and crosslinked
*Excellent thermal stability
*Moderately polar
*Similar phases: DB-1301, Rtx -1301, HP-1301, SPB-1301
*USP Phase Specification: G43

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