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Replacement Solvent Filter Cups, SS, 2µm
Replacement Solvent Filter Cups, SS, 2µm


Price: $28.29

Product Number: 998633

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Stainless Steel Bottom-of-the-Bottle™ Solvent Filters

Replaceable Stainless Steel Filter Cups
Draws Solvent from Within 1/8" of the Bottom of the Bottle

Upchurch Scientific® patented Bottom-of-th-Bottle Solvent Filter Assemblies feature a replaceable stainless steel filter cup and a design that allows solvent to be drawn from within 1/8" of the bottom of your solvent bottle. The filter cups are inexpensive and easy to replace, making this an economical, trouble-free choice.

To replace the filter cup, loosen teh PEEK™ lock nut and pull the filter cup off; replace it with a new cup and retighten the lock nut. (Please note: the filter cups are interchangeable. Thus, you can make a 10µm filter into a 2µm filter (or vice versa) by simply switching the replacement cups.)



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