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Peristaltic Tubing Adapter Set


Price: $39.48

Product Number: P-767

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Peristaltic Tubing Connectors & Adapters

• Variety of specialized connections & accessories for peristaltic tubing
• Adapt between traditional, “rigid” tubing and softer, peristaltic tubing
• Handy coiling devices help hold tubing firmly in place

Upchurch Scientific® Peristaltic Tubing Connectors have been designed to help scientists more conveniently employ the use of softer, peristaltic-style tubing in laboratory applications.

Peristaltic Tubing Adapters

• PEEK™ polymer adapters connect peristaltic tubing to standard rigid or semi-rigid tubing
• Include Flangeless fittings for 1/16" OD tubing

These unique adapters connect peristaltic tubing to standard 1/16" OD rigid or semi-rigid tubing. A barbed nose allows the peristaltic tubing to be pushed on and then sealed by both the small barbs on the nose and by a press fit made by the special insert, which pinches the tubing against the surface of the nose. Then, using a Flangeless nut and ferrule, the 1/16" OD tubing is connected into the adapter.

One common use of the P-757 and P-767 assemblies is as “stops” for your peristaltic pump. Rather than be forced to use peristaltic tubing for your entire flow path – which can be costly to replace each time the tubing wears out from use – these adapters allow you to limit the peristaltic tubing use to only the length necessary to fit completely into the tubing bed on the pump. Thus, each time the tubing needs to be replaced, you only need to replace the short length of tubing in contact with the pump rollers rather than your entire flow path.

NOTE: As mentioned above, these adapters are packaged with some of our standard Flangeless fittings for 1/16" OD tubing. To connect peristaltic tubing to 1/8" OD rigid or semi-rigid tubing, replace the supplied fittings with 1/4-28 threaded Flangeless fittings for 1/8" OD tubing, included as part of our Flangeless Fittings product family.


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