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Tub FEP Nat 1/16 x .032 x 20in
Tub FEP Nat 1/16 x .032 x 20in
Price: $3.39

Product Number: TF-112

Description Technical Specs
FEP Tubing

• Great for general, low pressure applications
• Features virtually identical chemical inertness when compared with PTFE
• Some sizes available in multiple, translucent colors for easy flow path identification
• Some sizes also in black for light sensitive applications

Upchurch Scientific® FEP (fluorinated ethylene-propylene) tubing is chemically inert and suitable for lower pressure applications. This tubing is extruded in-house at our Oak Harbor facilities, and as such we are able to ensure quality and carefully monitor tolerances. Typical pressure ratings and size tolerances for our tubing are as follows:

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