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Solvent Filter Inlet 20µm 1/16in Tub
Solvent Filter Inlet 20µm 1/16in Tub


Price: $4.12

Product Number: A-224

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Stainless Steel Frits

• 316 stainless steel frits — the most common size filters used throughout HPLC systems
• Available in a wide selection of porosities and sizes for use with many applications

Upchurch Scientific® 316 Stainless Steel frit discs are available in a variety of sizes, both with and without polymer sealing rings, and in several porosities ranging from 0.5 um to 20 um. Many of our frit discs are encased in a polymer ring for enhanced performance and proper sealing. Additionally, many of the rings are color coded for easier porosity identification:

• 0.5 um -- Black PEEK™ and Blue Kel-F® rings indicate 0.5 um frits. Additionally, we offer two special Rheodyne-brand replacement frits in this porosity that feature an inner ring manufactured from natural Kel-F surrounded by an outer ring manufactured from stainless steel. • 2 um -- Natural PEEK and Green Kel-F rings indicate 2 um frits. We also have semi-prep 2um frits available with clear Tefzel® or Kel-F rings. • 10 um & 20 um -- Natural ETFE, Kel-F or PTFE surround these semi-preparative frits.


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