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BTR-CW, 10M. x 0.25mm I.D. x 1.0um film
BTR-CW, 10M. x 0.25mm I.D. x 1.0um film


Price: $395.00

Product Number: BTR-CW-10-1.0F

007-CW and BTR-CW are the Quadrex designations for an ethylene glycol/siloxane copolymer. This polymer can be used to separate compounds at temperatures not normally associated with polyethylene glycol (PEG, CarbowaxTM) phases. Both the lower and upper temperature limits of traditional Carbowax type columns are extended with this phase.

In addition, Quadrex offers a modified version of the 007-CW phase, designated BTR-CW, which incorporates an anti-oxidant moiety to better withstand oxygen degradation. The BTR-CW phase offers increased thermal stability and longer column lifetimes. See additional information below.

The hydrogen bonding interactions of the 007-CW and BTR-CW phases makes them well suited for the analysis of polar compounds such as solvents, flavors, perfumes, and essential oils. These phases are not recommended for the analysis of mixtures containing silylating reagents.

*Bonded and crosslinked
*Moderately polar
*Comparable to Carbowax 20M*
*Similar phases: DB-Wax, Stabilwax, AT-Wax, HP-20M, HP-Innowax, Supelcowax-10, BP-20, CPWax-52CB
*USP Phase Specification: G16

* Carbowax is a trademark of Union Carbide Corporation

Columns coated with bondable PEG and, even more so with traditional Carbowax 20M, deteriorate in the presence of oxygen. It has been necessary, therefore, to maintain an oxygen-free chromatographic system. To lower the costs of maintaining such a system and to improve the chromatographic properties of the PEG-type columns, we offer the oxygen-resistant BTR-CW phase type. BTR-CW is a polyethylene glycol (PEG) phase, similar to our 007-CW phase, but which incorporates an anti-oxidant moiety to better withstand oxygen exposure and the resultant degradation. The BTR-CW also offers increased thermal stability and longer column lifetimes.

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