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PEEK Rotor Seal for Models 7610-400, 7610-600
PEEK Rotor Seal for Models 7610-400, 7610-600
Price: $101.83

Product Number: 7610-011

The standard rotor seal in many Rheodyne manual valves is made from a Vespel blend. This polyimide has low wear and high chemical resistance. Vespel tolerates a pH range of 0 to 10. Solutions more basic than pH 10 dissolve Vespel which damages the rotor seal. If you use any solutions above pH 10, Rheodyne recommends a PEEK blend rotor seal. PEEK offers a high chemical resistance and versatility, and will tolerate the entire pH range from 0 to 14. Tefzel blend rotor seals may be appropriate for some applications.

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