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12M X 0.22MM ID - BPX5 0.25UM
12M X 0.22MM ID - BPX5 0.25UM


Price: $301.00

Product Number: 054112

5% Phenyl Polysilphenylene-siloxane

High temperature
General Purpose GC column - suitable for over 80% of all routine analyses performed by gas chromatography
Very Low Bleed - ideal for trace analysis
Extremely inert
Ideal for GC-MS
Application Areas: Ultra trace analyses, pesticides/herbicides, hydrocarbons, solvents, phenols, amines, GC/MS and other specific detector applications

Operating Temperature:
0.25-1.5µm film thickness -40°C to 360/370°C
>1.5µm film thickness -40°C to 350/360°C

Suitable Replacement for: DB-5, DB-5ms, DB-5.625, XTI-5, Rtx-5ms, Ultra-2, HP-5, HP-5MS, HP5-TA, SPB-5, MDN-5S, CP-Sil8CB, Rxt-Sil 5MS, AT-5ms, VB-5, ZB-5, VF-5ms

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