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Inline Filters (Biocompatible) 0.5µm, with PEEK end fittings
Inline Filters (Biocompatible) 0.5µm, with PEEK end fittings


Price: $25.56

Product Number: 998664

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Inline Filter consisting of a stainless steel body and two PEEK™ end fittings, one with a built-in 0.5µm PEEK frit. Pressure rated to 6,000 psi (414 bar), with maximum recommended flow rates of 10mL/min. You get the added benefit of biocompatibility since all wetted surfaces are PEEK. Swept Volume = 5.9µL. When you need to replace the frit, simply dispose of the end fitting that contains the frit and replace it with a new one (part# 998666X).


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